Saturday, 29 August 2009

Welcome everyone to the blog of Crystal Arts & HealthTopics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health

My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System has recently been published. It covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals.

I am a Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"Also see for the new Autumn/Winter Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, baby products and have lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags or stocking fillers.

Crystal Healing

Amethyst is a purple crystal associated with the Brow or Third Eye Chakra. This Chakra is associated with life direction and seeing where we are headed. Developing this Chakra also enhances psychic abilities. Amethyst is an excellent pain reliever. Taking two Amethyst points and focusing them on each side of the site of pain helps to relieve the pain. A headache amethyst crystal grid consists of four amethyst crystal points two points pointing towards the chin in the neck area and two facing downwards in the brow area. Amethyst is also a favorite crystal in meditation with its association with spiritual matters.


Latin: Cymbopogon nardus (grass)
Rheumatic pain (Chinese use) diluted on temples for sleeplessness, insect repellent, neuralgia, migraine

Clary Sage
Latin: (Salvia Sclarea) (Flower tops)
Relaxing oil, helps insomnia Anti-inflammatory, relieves sore throats, hoarseness, inhalations, reduces high blood pressure, antispasmodic, relieves pmt, menstrual pain, soothes swollen breasts, helps prevent hot flushes Relaxant. May cause sleepiness. Useful for Depression, anxiety, tension, mental fatigue, general tonic. Avoid during first five months of pregnancy.


Charting your progress in meditation

“An ounce of practice is worth tons of theory” Swami Sivananda

Do not abruptly change your way of life. Begin to evolve bit by bit, thus developing your willpower.

Keep a spiritual diary, it may prove to be an eye-opener. It is a simple practical aid to help you to be regular in your practice and to make the most of limited time available.

Make a daily routine and stick to it.

Nightly, just before going to bed, review what you have done that day. Keep the spiritual diary for six months and compare your progress.

Remember the regularity and sincerity are the most important secrets to success.
Only you can evaluate whether you are making progress. There are no objective tests or guidelines. No-one else can tell you this; it is completely subjective.

Do your body and mind seem to be shedding a kind of dullness or heaviness?

Do you feel more peaceful, more happy with your yourself, and less prone to emotional outburst? Are serenity of mind and a sense of deep-seated contentment starting to manifest themselves?

“We experience a new view of the universe, a vision of unity, happiness, harmony and inner peace. Negative tendencies vanish, and the mind becomes steady. Meditation brings freedom from fear of death, which is seen as a doorway to a new name and form. People who meditate regularly tend to develop magnetic and dynamic personalities, cheerfulness, powerful speech, lustrous eyes, physical health, and boundless energy. Others draw strength from such people and feel elevated in their presence. Meditation is only possible when all mental modifications (thought waves) have been stilled, and with this comes mental peace.


At you can write your own virtual poem. This site is also an excellent source of information on poetry publishers, magazines and resources.


A useful newsletter and website can be found at

For more information on Crystal Healing or Herbalism, see or Music, Poetry or Yoga

Friday, 21 August 2009

Welcome everyone to the blog of Crystal Arts & HealthTopics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health

My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System has recently been published. It covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. I am a Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"

Also see for the new Autumn/Winter Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, baby products and have lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags or stocking fillers.

Crystal Healing

Sodalite is a blue crystal associated with the Throat Chakra. It helps regulates the glands, the throat area and emotionally helps ease grief and helps with communication. When having to speak publically or when you want to express yourself with more focus, wear sodalite or lapis, another blue stone.


Latin: Eucalyptus globules
(fresh leaves of tree)
Strong, anti-microbial oil, inhalation, direct skin application for chicken pox, cold sores, shingles, insect repellent. Diuretic, muscular sprain, rheumatoid arthritis, applied as rub for respiratory infection. Very strong, use sparingly. Useful as air spray in sick rooms. Useful in bringing high temperatures down (cold compress) monitor carefully to prevent shock.

Sweet Fennel
Latin: Foeniculum vulgate
(Seed of plant)

Carminative, laxative, eases wind, hiccoughs, indigestion, colic, massage oil for cellulitis
Galactagogue, (improves milk flow) useful for menopause. Folklore, used to prevent evil eye, hung over doorway. Phototoxic, not to be used on sensitive skin. Useful for treating Gout, alcohol poisoning.

Expectorant, useful in massage rubs on abdomen. Lower back massage for flatulence and consitipation. Tea useful for diarrhea, colic, appetite stimulant.


How to Meditate

Choose an area in your home to be used only for meditation. With regular practice, your meditation space will become charged with a powerful positive energy.

Set aside a specific time of day for meditation, most effective times are dawn and dusk.

Begin by sitting for meditation for 20 minutes daily, gradually increase your time to one hour.

Consciously regulate the breath, begin with a few minutes of deep breathing to bring a fresh supply of oxygen to the brain., inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 3 seconds, this regulates the flow of prana within the body.

Focus your attention inwards, withdraw your attention from all outside objects.

Select a point of concentration within yourself, either a chakra point, Anja chakra, between the eyebrows (intellectual centre) or Anahata chakra, heart centre, for those of a more emotional nature. Do not change point of focus.

Focus the mind on a neutral or uplifting object or sound, such as a mantra, repeat it mentally as you breathe in and out.

Regular repetition of a mantra will purify the mind. After a time, the sound merges with thought.
With practice the duality of ego-consciousness disappears and the super conscious state of Samadhi is reached

In Samadhi, the knower, knowledge and the known becomes one and is the super conscious experience reached by mystics and saints.


Go to to receive the newsletter Poetry Daily that lists upcoming poetry contests, news in the poetry world, as well as featured poetry.


A week of Busking for Cancer Events will be starting in September, anyone interested in participating go to http:// To buy a t-shirt to support the event go to

Or to donate, go to their JustGiving address so that they can raise more funds for Cancer Research UK!

For more information on Crystal Healing or Herbalism, see or Music, Poetry or Yoga