Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal Release

Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal

QR Code for Youtube Video for Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal

Hatha Yoga & The Chakra System Workshop Journal is available now as a paperback 

Crystal Arts And Health Facebook Page Shop
Illustrations by Cara E. Moore featured in the Workshop Journal series are available at http://www.redbubble.com/people/caraemoore and at the CafePress Store: http://www.cafepress.com/caraemoore and as winzip downloads at the Payloadz storehttp://store.payloadz.com/results/results.aspx?m=41824

Mabon, 2nd Harvest Festival

Mabon, 2nd Harvest Festival

Mabon is the 2nd Harvest Festival of the Celtic Wheel of the Year. The apple, the symbol of eternity, is associated with Mabon as apples are collected at the time.  The Crystals, Amazonite, the stone of wellbeing and Aventurine, for motivation and Purple Fluorite, organization and building up the immune system are used at this time to prepare for the coming of Samhain, the second half of the year and Celtic New Year.  It is a festival of balance, the Autumn Equinox.

Happy Halloween, Samhain

Happy Halloween, Samhain

Samhain means, "Summer's End and is the Celtic New Year. It is also a fire festival where big bonfire's were built to welcome home ancestors. It is a time to get rid of anything not needed for the coming Winter.  Divination is done especially at this time of year as the veil between the worlds is the thinnest and is a time of remembrance of family and friends who have passed over. Carnelian (orange) and Amethyst (purple) are the colours of Samhain.  The Ogham Blackthorn, representing the dark half of the year is associated with Samhain and is a hearty wood used for walking sticks.  It is a time of preparing for the rebirth of Yule.