Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Stress reduction: Copper, Malachite, Haematite
Stabilizing Emotions: Sunstone, Kyanite, Dumortierite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Charoite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz
Herbs that are astringent.
Herbs that help the body to combat inflammations. Example Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Herbs that help prevent the formation of stones or gravel in the urinary system and help remove those already formed. Example: Parsley Piert (Aphanes arvensis)
Herbs hat help the body to destroy or resist pathogenic microorganisms. Example: Echinacea (Echinacea angustifilia)
Half Lotus
Relaxes entire nervous system
Loosens tension and stiffness in the ankles, knees and thighs.
Provides a comfortable position for meditation.
1) Sit down and stretch legs straight out before you.
2) Bend your left leg at the knee and bring it towards you, take hold of left foot with both hands.
3) Place your left foot so the sole rests against the inside of right thigh, the heel of your left foot should be drawn in as far as possible.
4) Bend the right leg at the knee so you can take hold of right foot with both hands.
5) Place right foot in the fold of your left leg. Drop the right knee as far as possible toward the floor. Rest your hands on your knees.
6) When your legs grow tired, stretch them straight out before you ans gently massage your knees. Repeat this position by reversing the legs so right leg is drawn in first and left leg is drawn in first and left leg is on top.
Give All to Love
Give all to love;
Obey thy heart;
Friends, kindred, days,
Estate, good-fame,
Plans, credit and the Muse,
Nothing refuse.
'Tis a brave master;
Let it have scope:
Follow it utterly,
Hope beyond hope:
High and more high
It dives into noon,
With wing unspent,
Untold intent;
But it is a god,
Knows its own path
And the outlets of the sky.
It was never for the mean;
It requireth courage stout.
Souls above doubt,
Valor unbending,
It will reward,
They shall return
More than they were,
And ever ascending.
Leave all for love;
Yet, hear me, yet,
One word more thy heart behoved,
One pulse more of firm endeavor,
Keep thee to-day,
To-morrow, forever,
Free as an Arab
Of thy beloved.
Cling with life to the maid;
But when the surprise,
First vague shadow of surmise
Flits across her bosom young,
Of a joy apart from thee,
Free be she, fancy-free;
Nor thou detain her vesture's hem,
Nor the palest rose she flung
From her summer diadem.
Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Though her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive;
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods arrive.
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Muse - a channel of inspiration for a poet.
Muses, in Greek mythology, were the nine daughters of the god Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. The Muses were believed to inspire not only poets, but all artist.
Nine Goddesses:
Calliope: muse of epic poetry
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry; also known as the muse of music
Euterpe: muse of lyric poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Polyhymnia: muse of sacred poetry
Terpsichore: muse of choral songs and the dance
Thalia: muse of comedy
Urania: muse of astronomy
Vocal training
Bellows Breath
Sit down with spine straight.
1) Imagine you are blowing a piece of dust out of your nose, sharply pulling in on your abdominal muscles and at the same time blowing air out of the nose.
2) Relax, inhale naturally to fill the lungs again.
3) Once again sharply blow air out of the nose by pulling in on the abdomen.
4) Continue a couple more times, so your abdomen in operating like a bellows.
Artist: Billie Holiday
Song: Summertime
Album: The Best of Billie Holiday
[Buy "The Best of Billie Holiday" CD]
and the livin' is easy
fish are jumpin
and the cotton is high
oh your daddy's rich
and your ma is good lookin'
so hush little baby
don't you cry
One of these mornin's
you're gonna rise up singin'
yes you spread your wings
and you take to the skys
but till' that mornin'
theres nothin' that can harm you
yes your daddy and mammy
stand and wave you goodbye
and the livin' is easy
fish are jumpin'
and the cotton is high
oh your daddy's rich
and you ma is good lookin'
so hush little baby
baby don't you cry
don't you cry
Crystal Arts & Health Blog is about "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body" and topics included will be Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, The Arts, Poetry, and Music.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Crystal Arts & Health
Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Energy Boosting: Jet, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s eye, Garnet, Jasper, Amber, Gold
Uplifting: Petrified wood, Moldavite
Calming: Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Dumortierite
Herbs that help the body to remove excess bile. Example: Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadenis)
Herbs that help the body to remove excess catarrhal build-ups. Example: Elder (Sambucus nigra)
Herbs similar in use to Thymoleptic, such as Nervine tonics.
Herbs that reduce nausea and can help to prevent vomiting. Example; Black Horehound (Ballota nigra)
Arm and Leg Stretch
Provides an immediate relief of tension in areas of leg and back, helps to eliminate fatigue.
Promotes balance, grace and poise.
1) Stand with your arms at your sides.
2) Slowly raise your right arm stiffly overhead.
3) Shift your full weight to your right leg.
4) Bend your left leg at the knee and hold your left foot with your left hand, balancing yourself on your right leg.
5) Slowly bring your right hand back a few inches and simultaneously raise your left leg a few inches so that you feel a gentle stretch in your back. Drop head slightly backward and look upward. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.
6) Slowly lower your right arm to your side and your left foot to the floor. Rest, then repeat again.
7) Perform the identical movements on the opposite side.
Whenever your spine becomes stiff, cramped and tense, it saps your of vitality. This movement stretches your spine and helps you regain your energy.
The Land of Nod
From breakfast on through all the day
At home among my friends I stay,
But every night I go abroad
Afar into the land of Nod.
All by myself I have to go,
With none to tell me what to do --
All alone beside the streams
And up the mountain-sides of dreams.
The strangest things are there for me,
Both things to eat and things to see,
And many frightening sights abroad
Till morning in the land of Nod.
Try as I like to find the way,
I never can get back by day,
Nor can remember plain and clear
The curious music that I hear.
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
How to play maracas
Beach Boys - Kokomo lyrics
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Jamaica off the Florida Keys
There's a place called Kokomo
That's where you wanna go to get away from it all
Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand
We'll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
To Martinique, that Monserrat mystique
We'll put out to sea
And we'll perfect our chemistry
By and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight
cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye
Give me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Port Au Prince I wanna catch a glimpse
Everybody knows
A little place like Kokomo
Now if you wanna go
And get away from it all
Go down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast and then we'll take
it slow That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Energy Boosting: Jet, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s eye, Garnet, Jasper, Amber, Gold
Uplifting: Petrified wood, Moldavite
Calming: Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Dumortierite
Herbs that help the body to remove excess bile. Example: Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadenis)
Herbs that help the body to remove excess catarrhal build-ups. Example: Elder (Sambucus nigra)
Herbs similar in use to Thymoleptic, such as Nervine tonics.
Herbs that reduce nausea and can help to prevent vomiting. Example; Black Horehound (Ballota nigra)
Arm and Leg Stretch
Provides an immediate relief of tension in areas of leg and back, helps to eliminate fatigue.
Promotes balance, grace and poise.
1) Stand with your arms at your sides.
2) Slowly raise your right arm stiffly overhead.
3) Shift your full weight to your right leg.
4) Bend your left leg at the knee and hold your left foot with your left hand, balancing yourself on your right leg.
5) Slowly bring your right hand back a few inches and simultaneously raise your left leg a few inches so that you feel a gentle stretch in your back. Drop head slightly backward and look upward. Remain in this position for 10 seconds.
6) Slowly lower your right arm to your side and your left foot to the floor. Rest, then repeat again.
7) Perform the identical movements on the opposite side.
Whenever your spine becomes stiff, cramped and tense, it saps your of vitality. This movement stretches your spine and helps you regain your energy.
The Land of Nod
From breakfast on through all the day
At home among my friends I stay,
But every night I go abroad
Afar into the land of Nod.
All by myself I have to go,
With none to tell me what to do --
All alone beside the streams
And up the mountain-sides of dreams.
The strangest things are there for me,
Both things to eat and things to see,
And many frightening sights abroad
Till morning in the land of Nod.
Try as I like to find the way,
I never can get back by day,
Nor can remember plain and clear
The curious music that I hear.
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
How to play maracas
Beach Boys - Kokomo lyrics
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Jamaica off the Florida Keys
There's a place called Kokomo
That's where you wanna go to get away from it all
Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand
We'll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
To Martinique, that Monserrat mystique
We'll put out to sea
And we'll perfect our chemistry
By and by we'll defy a little bit of gravity
Afternoon delight
cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye
Give me a tropical contact high
Way down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Port Au Prince I wanna catch a glimpse
Everybody knows
A little place like Kokomo
Now if you wanna go
And get away from it all
Go down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast
And then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To Bermuda, Bahama come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go
Down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast and then we'll take
it slow That's where we wanna go
Way down to Kokomo
Crystal Healing,
holistic wellbeing,
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Crystal Arts & Health
Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Nervous System: Citrine, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Rutilated quartz
Immune System: Turquoise, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Chiastolite
Bones and muscles: Black Tourmaline, Lodestone, Spinel, Rutilated Quartz
Herbs that enable the body to avoid reaching a point of collapse or overstress, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Ayurvedic concept. Example: Gingseng (Panax ginseng)
Herbs that gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. Example: Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Herb that destroys or expels intestinal parasitic worms. Example: Garlic, (Allium sativum) Wormwood. (Artemisia absinthum)
Toe Twist
Helps remove stiffness and promote elasticity in spine through a spiral stretching motion
Aids in streamlining the abdominal area
Strengthens the entire foot and leg
1) Stand with arms at side and feet pointed slightly outward.
2) Raise your arms stiffly from sides and stretch them straight out in front of you at eye level with hands touching.
3) Raise yourself up on your toes.
4) Keeping eyes fixed on back of hands turn the upper body slowly to the left as far as you can go without strain, keeping yourself balanced on your toes while gazing at the back of your hands. Keep abdomen in and chest out as you go around to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds building up to 20 seconds over several weeks.
5) Return slowly to the frontward position and slowly lower our arms to your sides. Repeat steps on the right side.
6) Return to frontward position and repeat twice on each side.
The Sick Rose
O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy
by William Blake
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
Ella Fitzgerald
"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
John Lennon
"We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it."
At Last
Eliza Fitzgerald,
Eva Cassidy
At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Ohh yeah
At last the skies above are blue
And my heart was wrapped in clover
The night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I could call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Oh yeah yeah
You smiled ohh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last
For you are mine at last
Composer Job Listings
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Nervous System: Citrine, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Rutilated quartz
Immune System: Turquoise, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Chiastolite
Bones and muscles: Black Tourmaline, Lodestone, Spinel, Rutilated Quartz
Herbs that enable the body to avoid reaching a point of collapse or overstress, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Ayurvedic concept. Example: Gingseng (Panax ginseng)
Herbs that gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. Example: Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Herb that destroys or expels intestinal parasitic worms. Example: Garlic, (Allium sativum) Wormwood. (Artemisia absinthum)
Toe Twist
Helps remove stiffness and promote elasticity in spine through a spiral stretching motion
Aids in streamlining the abdominal area
Strengthens the entire foot and leg
1) Stand with arms at side and feet pointed slightly outward.
2) Raise your arms stiffly from sides and stretch them straight out in front of you at eye level with hands touching.
3) Raise yourself up on your toes.
4) Keeping eyes fixed on back of hands turn the upper body slowly to the left as far as you can go without strain, keeping yourself balanced on your toes while gazing at the back of your hands. Keep abdomen in and chest out as you go around to the sides. Hold this position for 10 seconds building up to 20 seconds over several weeks.
5) Return slowly to the frontward position and slowly lower our arms to your sides. Repeat steps on the right side.
6) Return to frontward position and repeat twice on each side.
The Sick Rose
O Rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy
by William Blake
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
Ella Fitzgerald
"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
John Lennon
"We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it."
At Last
Eliza Fitzgerald,
Eva Cassidy
At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Ohh yeah
At last the skies above are blue
And my heart was wrapped in clover
The night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I could call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Oh yeah yeah
You smiled ohh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last
For you are mine at last
Composer Job Listings
Crystal Healing,
holistic wellbeing,
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Crystal Arts And Health
Welcome everyone to the blog of Crystal Arts & Health
Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Large intestines, kidneys, bladder: Obsidian, Peridot, Jade
Reproduction organs: Silver, Carnelian, Rhodocrosite, Moonstone, Selenite, Opal, Pearl
Circulation: Haematite, Bloodstone
The Mouth
Echinacea and Myrrh will help keep the mouth healthy.
Mouth ulcers can be treated with Red Sage (Salvia officinalis). Traditional treatment of inflammation of mouth, throat and tonsils, soothes mucous membranes. Used internally and as a mouthwash for inflamed gums, as a gargle in the treatment of Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis and Quinsy. Caution: Avoid during pregnancy.
Dosage: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 tsp of the leaves and let infuse for 10 minutes, drink 3 times a day. Mouthwash, put 2 tsp of the leaves in half a litre of water, bring to the boil and let stand, covered for 15 minutes. Gargle deeply with the hot tea for 5 - 10 minutes several times a day.
Backward Bend
Promotes elasticity in the spine through a convex (inward) stretching movement.
Helps relieve tension throughout the spine
Develops chest and bust
Strengthens the feet and toes.
1) Sit on your heels with top of feet resting on the floor and knees together in front of you. 2) Place palms of your hands resting on the floor on either side of your body. 3) Step by step walk back with your hands until you reach a comfortable maximum. 4) Lower head backward and push your abdomen and chest upward to form the maximum arch without strain while remaining seated on your heels. Remain in this position for 10 seconds, working up to 15 seconds over several weeks. Don’t bounce or strain, hold position. 5) Relax by slowly lowering your abdomen and chest and raising your head, stay seated on heels and hands in same position. 6) Repeat step 4 one time. 7) To come out of position, slowly drop your abdomen and chest, raise head and walk forward step by step until you are able to easily raise your trunk from heels. Relax by sitting in a cross-legged posture, massage feet gently with hands.
She Walks in Beauty
Lord Byron
She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
MAY 20: Never Mind The Boxset: The Album Post-iTunes
Union Square Music’s Director of Marketing Steve Bunyan, Head of Marketing and New Projects at Warp Records Steven Hill, MusicDNA President Dagfinn Bach and Pure Groove’s Head Buyer Simon Singleton join Paul Conroy, Universal Music’s Catalogue and Box Set Consultant in debating the future of the recording business’s flagship format.
As the recordings business combats a double-edged sword of illegal downloaders and those with pick ‘n’ mix purchasing attitudes, album unit sales have declined in each of the last five years, down from 163m in 2004 to 129m in 2009 (BPI). This event will consider whether technology, design and marketing can provide a lifeline to this ailing format.
Kicking off proceedings, Sony Music's Head of Consumer Insight Mark Uttley Head of Insight and VP Communications & Artist Relations Emma Pike will present findings of the Future Business Research Group’s first ever industry-wide segmentation of the British music buying public. So get ready to meet the Digital Dabblers, the High Spending Pirates, Physical Fanatics and Generation Free.
Dagfinn Bach, President of Music DNA will be discussing the future of digital music and his plans to bundle tracks with a host of additional content. And we hear from Warp and Pure Groove, who are discovering other ways to rejuvenate it, keeping back catalogues alive with re-mastered and special anniversary edition releases – physical innovations whose very existence has been fostered by the unlimited shelf space of the digital world and the power of a good mailing list.
DIARY - Date & Time: 20 May '10 18.30 - 21.00 hrs Venue: Basement Bar, PRS for Music, Berners Street, London W1
Cost: £25 MusicTank Members £30 Trade Body £35 Full Price - price includes complimentary drink on arrival and free post-event transcript.
Full details & booking:
All tickets MUST be booked and paid-for in advance - no walk-up on the day!
Attend this event for FREE by signing up to Creative Futures and commiting to participate in a complimentary programme of business support for a minimum of 12 hours over the next 3-years.
More... T 020 8357 7317
Composer Job Listings
Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Large intestines, kidneys, bladder: Obsidian, Peridot, Jade
Reproduction organs: Silver, Carnelian, Rhodocrosite, Moonstone, Selenite, Opal, Pearl
Circulation: Haematite, Bloodstone
The Mouth
Echinacea and Myrrh will help keep the mouth healthy.
Mouth ulcers can be treated with Red Sage (Salvia officinalis). Traditional treatment of inflammation of mouth, throat and tonsils, soothes mucous membranes. Used internally and as a mouthwash for inflamed gums, as a gargle in the treatment of Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis and Quinsy. Caution: Avoid during pregnancy.
Dosage: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 tsp of the leaves and let infuse for 10 minutes, drink 3 times a day. Mouthwash, put 2 tsp of the leaves in half a litre of water, bring to the boil and let stand, covered for 15 minutes. Gargle deeply with the hot tea for 5 - 10 minutes several times a day.
Backward Bend
Promotes elasticity in the spine through a convex (inward) stretching movement.
Helps relieve tension throughout the spine
Develops chest and bust
Strengthens the feet and toes.
1) Sit on your heels with top of feet resting on the floor and knees together in front of you. 2) Place palms of your hands resting on the floor on either side of your body. 3) Step by step walk back with your hands until you reach a comfortable maximum. 4) Lower head backward and push your abdomen and chest upward to form the maximum arch without strain while remaining seated on your heels. Remain in this position for 10 seconds, working up to 15 seconds over several weeks. Don’t bounce or strain, hold position. 5) Relax by slowly lowering your abdomen and chest and raising your head, stay seated on heels and hands in same position. 6) Repeat step 4 one time. 7) To come out of position, slowly drop your abdomen and chest, raise head and walk forward step by step until you are able to easily raise your trunk from heels. Relax by sitting in a cross-legged posture, massage feet gently with hands.
She Walks in Beauty
Lord Byron
She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
MAY 20: Never Mind The Boxset: The Album Post-iTunes
Union Square Music’s Director of Marketing Steve Bunyan, Head of Marketing and New Projects at Warp Records Steven Hill, MusicDNA President Dagfinn Bach and Pure Groove’s Head Buyer Simon Singleton join Paul Conroy, Universal Music’s Catalogue and Box Set Consultant in debating the future of the recording business’s flagship format.
As the recordings business combats a double-edged sword of illegal downloaders and those with pick ‘n’ mix purchasing attitudes, album unit sales have declined in each of the last five years, down from 163m in 2004 to 129m in 2009 (BPI). This event will consider whether technology, design and marketing can provide a lifeline to this ailing format.
Kicking off proceedings, Sony Music's Head of Consumer Insight Mark Uttley Head of Insight and VP Communications & Artist Relations Emma Pike will present findings of the Future Business Research Group’s first ever industry-wide segmentation of the British music buying public. So get ready to meet the Digital Dabblers, the High Spending Pirates, Physical Fanatics and Generation Free.
Dagfinn Bach, President of Music DNA will be discussing the future of digital music and his plans to bundle tracks with a host of additional content. And we hear from Warp and Pure Groove, who are discovering other ways to rejuvenate it, keeping back catalogues alive with re-mastered and special anniversary edition releases – physical innovations whose very existence has been fostered by the unlimited shelf space of the digital world and the power of a good mailing list.
DIARY - Date & Time: 20 May '10 18.30 - 21.00 hrs Venue: Basement Bar, PRS for Music, Berners Street, London W1
Cost: £25 MusicTank Members £30 Trade Body £35 Full Price - price includes complimentary drink on arrival and free post-event transcript.
Full details & booking:
All tickets MUST be booked and paid-for in advance - no walk-up on the day!
Attend this event for FREE by signing up to Creative Futures and commiting to participate in a complimentary programme of business support for a minimum of 12 hours over the next 3-years.
More... T 020 8357 7317
Composer Job Listings
Crystal Healing,
holistic wellbeing,
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Crystal Arts And Health Blog
Welcome everyone to the blog of Crystal Arts & Health Topics that will be covered are Crystal Healing, Herbalism, Yoga, Music, Poetry, The Arts and activities of Crystal Arts & Health
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Chest and lungs: Moss agate, Turquoise, Aventurine
Heart: Ruby, Aventurine, Emerald, Coral, Labradorite, Unakite
Digestion: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye
Bad circulation
Cayenne, Ginger, Prickly Ash and Hawthorn.
Varicose Veins
Hawthorn Berries, Horsechestnut and Buckwheat. For water build-up – Yarrow and Dandelion Leaf.
Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Increases the strength and tone of the blood vessels. Dosage: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 - 2 tsp of the dried fruit and leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes drink x 3 a day or used as a lotion.
Knee and Thigh Stretch
Helps remove stiffness and tension in the knees and thighs. Enables you to walk and stand without becoming tired quickly.
1) Extend your legs straight out in front of you. 2) Bend legs at knees and bring your feet in as far as possible towards you with the soles of the feet together. 3) Clasp your hands firmly around your feet. 4) Pull up on your feet with your hands and allow the knees and thighs to bend downward as far as able without strain. Sit erect and hold the extreme position for 15 seconds. Relax and allow knees and thighs to return to original start position with your hands remaining clasped around your feet. Repeat three times.
Rhapsody On A Windy Night
Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in a lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions,
Every street lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium.
Half-past one,
The street lamp sputtered,
The street lamp muttered,
The street lamp said, "Regard that woman
Who hesitates towards you in the light of the door
Which opens on her like a grin.
You see the border of her dress
Is torn and stained with sand,
And you see the corner of her eye
Twists like a crooked pin."
The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton,
Stiff and white.
A broken spring in a factory yard,
Rust that clings to the form that the strength has left
Hard and curled and ready to snap.
Half-past two,
The street lamp said,
"Remark the cat which flattens itself in the gutter,
Slips out its tongue
And devours a morsel of rancid butter."
So the hand of a child, automatic,
Slipped out and pocketed a toy that was running along the quay.
I could see nothing behind that child's eye.
I have seen eyes in the street
Trying to peer through lighted shutters,
And a crab one afternoon in a pool,
An old crab with barnacles on his back,
Gripped the end of a stick which I held him.
Half-past three,
The lamp sputtered,
The lamp muttered in the dark.
The lamp hummed:
"Regard the moon,
La lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smoothes the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.
A washed-out smallpox cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and old Cologne,
She is alone
With all the old nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain."
The reminiscence comes
Of sunless dry geraniums
And dust in crevices,
Smells of chestnuts in the streets,
And female smells in shuttered rooms,
And cigarettes in corridors
And cocktail smells in bars."
The lamp said,
"Four o'clock,
Here is the number on the door.
You have the key,
The little lamp spreads a ring on the stair,
The bed is open; the tooth-brush hangs on the wall,
Put your shoes at the door, sleep, prepare for life."
The last twist of the knife
by T. S. Eliot
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
Songwriters – Eric Clampton
In music the word "hook" refers to that part of a song that catches the ear of the listener. In other words, it's a lyrical line or melodic phrase that makes the song memorable. In this context you can say songwriting is somewhat like fishing; make your hook strong and appealing and you'll be able to catch 'em and reel 'em in.
The hook may be the title of the song, a lyrical line (usually repeated) that summarizes what the song is about, a rhythmic passage or an instrumental part called "riff." It is mostly evident in pop music; songs that have made it to the top of the charts have unforgettable hooks. Here are some examples:
Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds -
"Don't you forget about me
Don't, don't don't don't
Don't you forget about me"
With Or Without You by U2 -
"With or without you
With or without you, oh
I can't live with or without you"
Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O'Connor
"Nothing compares
Nothing compares to you"
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston -
"And I will always love you
I will always love you"
You're Beautiful by James Blunt
"You're beautiful, you're beautiful
You're beautiful it's true"
For those with a Kindle this blog can be located at
New Online training courses in Crystal Healing and Herbalism are available at
My book Crystal Healing & The Chakra System covers the Chakra system, Crystal identification and uses, making crystal essences and meditation with crystals. Is available as an ebook from or as a paperback.
My book, Herbal Primer, newly released, covers herbal action classification, herbal identification, herbal preparation and recipes, including herbal teas, incense and potpourri. Is available as an ebook from or soon as a paperback.
I am an Herbalist and Crystal Healing Practitioner and have a line of products Crystal Essence TM that combine, aromatherapy, herbal products and crystal essences for "Holistic Wellbeing for Auric & Physical Body"
See for the new Spring/Summer Catalogue and for the new products in the e-shop. We have started making shaving soaps, solid shampoo soaps, and baby products and there are lots of new fun shapes for soaps, perfect for gift bags and wedding and event favours.
Crystal Healing
New squidoo lens about crystal healing and the chakra system
Crystal Uses
Chest and lungs: Moss agate, Turquoise, Aventurine
Heart: Ruby, Aventurine, Emerald, Coral, Labradorite, Unakite
Digestion: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye
Bad circulation
Cayenne, Ginger, Prickly Ash and Hawthorn.
Varicose Veins
Hawthorn Berries, Horsechestnut and Buckwheat. For water build-up – Yarrow and Dandelion Leaf.
Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Increases the strength and tone of the blood vessels. Dosage: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 - 2 tsp of the dried fruit and leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes drink x 3 a day or used as a lotion.
Knee and Thigh Stretch
Helps remove stiffness and tension in the knees and thighs. Enables you to walk and stand without becoming tired quickly.
1) Extend your legs straight out in front of you. 2) Bend legs at knees and bring your feet in as far as possible towards you with the soles of the feet together. 3) Clasp your hands firmly around your feet. 4) Pull up on your feet with your hands and allow the knees and thighs to bend downward as far as able without strain. Sit erect and hold the extreme position for 15 seconds. Relax and allow knees and thighs to return to original start position with your hands remaining clasped around your feet. Repeat three times.
Rhapsody On A Windy Night
Twelve o'clock.
Along the reaches of the street
Held in a lunar synthesis,
Whispering lunar incantations
Dissolve the floors of memory
And all its clear relations,
Its divisions and precisions,
Every street lamp that I pass
Beats like a fatalistic drum,
And through the spaces of the dark
Midnight shakes the memory
As a madman shakes a dead geranium.
Half-past one,
The street lamp sputtered,
The street lamp muttered,
The street lamp said, "Regard that woman
Who hesitates towards you in the light of the door
Which opens on her like a grin.
You see the border of her dress
Is torn and stained with sand,
And you see the corner of her eye
Twists like a crooked pin."
The memory throws up high and dry
A crowd of twisted things;
A twisted branch upon the beach
Eaten smooth, and polished
As if the world gave up
The secret of its skeleton,
Stiff and white.
A broken spring in a factory yard,
Rust that clings to the form that the strength has left
Hard and curled and ready to snap.
Half-past two,
The street lamp said,
"Remark the cat which flattens itself in the gutter,
Slips out its tongue
And devours a morsel of rancid butter."
So the hand of a child, automatic,
Slipped out and pocketed a toy that was running along the quay.
I could see nothing behind that child's eye.
I have seen eyes in the street
Trying to peer through lighted shutters,
And a crab one afternoon in a pool,
An old crab with barnacles on his back,
Gripped the end of a stick which I held him.
Half-past three,
The lamp sputtered,
The lamp muttered in the dark.
The lamp hummed:
"Regard the moon,
La lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smoothes the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.
A washed-out smallpox cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and old Cologne,
She is alone
With all the old nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain."
The reminiscence comes
Of sunless dry geraniums
And dust in crevices,
Smells of chestnuts in the streets,
And female smells in shuttered rooms,
And cigarettes in corridors
And cocktail smells in bars."
The lamp said,
"Four o'clock,
Here is the number on the door.
You have the key,
The little lamp spreads a ring on the stair,
The bed is open; the tooth-brush hangs on the wall,
Put your shoes at the door, sleep, prepare for life."
The last twist of the knife
by T. S. Eliot
Horizon’s Place And Time Meet by Cara E. Moore Chapbook
Poem from this collection
Amazon link
For Ebook download Direct Link:
Vocal training
Songwriters – Eric Clampton
In music the word "hook" refers to that part of a song that catches the ear of the listener. In other words, it's a lyrical line or melodic phrase that makes the song memorable. In this context you can say songwriting is somewhat like fishing; make your hook strong and appealing and you'll be able to catch 'em and reel 'em in.
The hook may be the title of the song, a lyrical line (usually repeated) that summarizes what the song is about, a rhythmic passage or an instrumental part called "riff." It is mostly evident in pop music; songs that have made it to the top of the charts have unforgettable hooks. Here are some examples:
Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds -
"Don't you forget about me
Don't, don't don't don't
Don't you forget about me"
With Or Without You by U2 -
"With or without you
With or without you, oh
I can't live with or without you"
Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O'Connor
"Nothing compares
Nothing compares to you"
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston -
"And I will always love you
I will always love you"
You're Beautiful by James Blunt
"You're beautiful, you're beautiful
You're beautiful it's true"
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